Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Stimulating Supper dicussion/history
This 10/17 we somehow got on the topic of the KKK and how in Indiana there HQ was Elwood. Also in Marion in front of the old jailhouse was one of the last lynches. I feel a little creepy whenever I go from Upland to Indianapolis now.
Lunch Time Lag
Gnags recommended to play Robot Unicorn on-line, they just made fun of it with Prism(Taylor block) at My gen why would I play it. I knew about it when it first came out from watching adult swim. Never took much interest in it.
Thanksgiving Break review
My Break was okay, didn't get the studing I wanted to do get done. I did get the Nintendo DS re-make of Chrono-tigger though. It is so awesome! Not much else happened to me though except seeing Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.
My Gen 2010
Sorry I'm behind on posts.
My Gen this year was pretty decent. The theme was 1st Annual Randy Awards on 11/11/10. We had good MCs two boys and two girls. The rap the girls did called Tic Tok was fun, I almost want a recording. 3rd place was Dyanamite, 2nd place was I Believe I can Fly, and 1st place was Disturbia. The colors for My Gen this year were purple, red, and turquiose.
My Gen this year was pretty decent. The theme was 1st Annual Randy Awards on 11/11/10. We had good MCs two boys and two girls. The rap the girls did called Tic Tok was fun, I almost want a recording. 3rd place was Dyanamite, 2nd place was I Believe I can Fly, and 1st place was Disturbia. The colors for My Gen this year were purple, red, and turquiose.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Fight Night Weekend 2010
We had Fight Night this 11/6/10. Gnags and Jergs went to bed early we were suppose to start at 12:00am but Mario was late picking up the alumni. I know KBabs and Strange came I not sure who else. I didn't see Strange at fight night, but later in the day I saw him in Marvel's room. Our first fight was Freshman against Biere. Freshman lost his T-shirt and Biere left out all clothing cept' his briefs. Freshman won.
Second fight Mario against Billy and Billy won, he is a lot stronger than you think. I wore my Roxas costume which Billy liked and for my fight with him I wore my Security T-shirt. Billy won against me too. Brett Rigs wore tight Red underwear in his fight. He pulled them up tight, I think he was going fore a jock strap, it only looked like wedgie, but the bulge was clearly visible.
We had a good annoucer costume and all. I left early because I started to feel sick, but I missed the best part. I hear there is a blood stain left on the floor. To see it all check with Trace to see the video.
Second fight Mario against Billy and Billy won, he is a lot stronger than you think. I wore my Roxas costume which Billy liked and for my fight with him I wore my Security T-shirt. Billy won against me too. Brett Rigs wore tight Red underwear in his fight. He pulled them up tight, I think he was going fore a jock strap, it only looked like wedgie, but the bulge was clearly visible.
We had a good annoucer costume and all. I left early because I started to feel sick, but I missed the best part. I hear there is a blood stain left on the floor. To see it all check with Trace to see the video.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Windy weather
Today was fairly warm, but very windy with some rain in the midday. I got imprisoned in the union from about 9:00am to 10:00am due to a Tornado warning. I was there because me and my group were working on a math project.
I didn't really care for the rain, but I love the wind. The rain didn't last severely long and by dinner time we had almost completely clear skies, the wind was still present though. The freedom the wind has is the kind of freedom I long for.
I didn't really care for the rain, but I love the wind. The rain didn't last severely long and by dinner time we had almost completely clear skies, the wind was still present though. The freedom the wind has is the kind of freedom I long for.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Fall Break/Airband
My fall break I for the most part hung out at school.
Airband this year was a little earlier than normal on October 7. I went to the second showing at 8:30 instead of at 6:30. This years theme was World's Fair and the proformances were better than last year, but I might have some bias since this is the first year I wasn't in the show. The top 3 the the same for the first show and the second's cumulative score. I also agreed with the first and second place winners. 'Wavin Flag' won first and 'Battle of the Boy Bands' came in second; I think they used music from N'Sync and the Backstreet Boys except for the last song. There act used glow sticks in the best possible way and 'Wavin Flag' had several international falgs. Also on stage Jordan made a marriage proposal to Vojtech.
Also Oct 11, 2010 Sonic The Hedgehog 4 video game comes out. The last game from this series was in 1994 for Sega Genesis. Now we have one for XBOX.
Airband this year was a little earlier than normal on October 7. I went to the second showing at 8:30 instead of at 6:30. This years theme was World's Fair and the proformances were better than last year, but I might have some bias since this is the first year I wasn't in the show. The top 3 the the same for the first show and the second's cumulative score. I also agreed with the first and second place winners. 'Wavin Flag' won first and 'Battle of the Boy Bands' came in second; I think they used music from N'Sync and the Backstreet Boys except for the last song. There act used glow sticks in the best possible way and 'Wavin Flag' had several international falgs. Also on stage Jordan made a marriage proposal to Vojtech.
Also Oct 11, 2010 Sonic The Hedgehog 4 video game comes out. The last game from this series was in 1994 for Sega Genesis. Now we have one for XBOX.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday morning
Today on my way to Africa history, at 8:00 a girl stopped me from getting run over by a car at the crosswalk by the DC; she is a freshman for registration purposes, but a sophmore credit wise, she had BibLit 1 at 8:00. Her name is Molly Anderson. She seems really nice and really cool. She said she is from Chicago and is part of the Adventures and Odessey fan club.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Strange Weekend
This past weekend Ryan Strange came back from seminary to visit it was great to see him.
I met Alex at the Odessey fan club only Marvel and she showed up to I was also present as a 3rd wheel.
I loved this weekend and had a good time.
I met Alex at the Odessey fan club only Marvel and she showed up to I was also present as a 3rd wheel.
I loved this weekend and had a good time.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Today in Chapel Dr. Barbra Byrd(bird) won the excellent in teaching award. She tought me my freshman year in the fundemaentals class. She deserves it.
The bad thing is I got a lot of last minute homework and can't go on the retreat to the Dunes. I hope my friends have good time.
The bad thing is I got a lot of last minute homework and can't go on the retreat to the Dunes. I hope my friends have good time.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
New news on foundation etc.
I got the single on Northside. Also on my new wing room 157 formerly known as the BirdHouse has been renamed the CockPit by Jon Biere, James Dickenson, and Garett Deal. Also last night Luke Collins stopped by to visit me to say he got married to Hillary and is now going to college in Chicago, which is near Wheaton and we should get together. He even offered to let me sleep over at his apartment.
2010 summer review
This summer I went to the first two weddings I've ever been to. My friend Kyle Frank at church got married to Cat who I don't really know on 8/7/10. Then had a cake and punch reception. Also two of my best friends Joy McDowell my Pastors daughter and Seth Rumsey son of my old sunday school worship leader got married on August 25.
This summer was really interesting because of the Friday the 13th we had.
This summer was really interesting because of the Friday the 13th we had.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Lamentation revoke
My last post may have been pre-mature, I most likely will be returning to Taylor this next semester. Thanks for the encouragement KBabs. I look forward to seeing all of you at the dorm as soon as school stars.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Laments Series #1 :Goodbye
Today is the first time in years that I actually felt like dying, I don't feel like going into Details right now maybe later. I just wanted to inform all my friends at Taylor I won't be back this coming semester and don't know if I will ever come back, but I do want to more than ever. FOr those of you who do read my post tell those who don't like Marvel goodbye for me. I any of you need to talk my home e-mail is jdregalado1@gmail.com, I'm also on Facebook.
Goodbye, Goodluck, and God Bless you.
Goodbye, Goodluck, and God Bless you.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
End of the school year 5/13/2010
Today I learned Sharah Grow's laast name from my ecology class. Yesterday I saw Kelsey Armbruster talking with more and 2 senoirs talking with Regier about graduation gowns. They really wanted to go to chapel and were diappointed they came late because it was their last chapel. I am really going to miss being a Biology major and the people JuQau Chang form last semester The Reubers, Regier, Liz Haysenmyer, and even Moore.
Grow had genetics with Burkholter. There are 2 ways to do genetics the Regier way and the Burkholter way. Regier's way is shoter and eaier, Burkholter makes you write out huge Punett squares which takes super long. Healso makrs it wrong if you don't do it his way. He retired 2008 but stuck arund an eatra semester because Jan Reuber begged him to, they needed the help.
I really like Jan Reuber, she always has time to talk even about un-school related issues. She also says I am the olny student who looks her in the eyes when we talk. DO other kids think she is intimidating; I don't and I normally don't look people in the eye do to my autism. Maybe I feel comfortable with her. I looked Grow in the eye today Her husband is a good teacher too. I feel like I relly know them even 2 of there daughters. One is really short yet a teenager, Iknow one is a wolf and hiskey/sledge dog finatic, and the youngest's favorite tree is the Shagbark hickory the first tree she learned the name of. It is also the favorite of my ecology TA, Catherine Latimer.
Well I guess I'm a history major. Maybe I can do my masters degree in zoology like I wanted, they used to have that at TaylorU but not now unless you make up a major. It takes more work on your part, but it is possible.
Grow had genetics with Burkholter. There are 2 ways to do genetics the Regier way and the Burkholter way. Regier's way is shoter and eaier, Burkholter makes you write out huge Punett squares which takes super long. Healso makrs it wrong if you don't do it his way. He retired 2008 but stuck arund an eatra semester because Jan Reuber begged him to, they needed the help.
I really like Jan Reuber, she always has time to talk even about un-school related issues. She also says I am the olny student who looks her in the eyes when we talk. DO other kids think she is intimidating; I don't and I normally don't look people in the eye do to my autism. Maybe I feel comfortable with her. I looked Grow in the eye today Her husband is a good teacher too. I feel like I relly know them even 2 of there daughters. One is really short yet a teenager, Iknow one is a wolf and hiskey/sledge dog finatic, and the youngest's favorite tree is the Shagbark hickory the first tree she learned the name of. It is also the favorite of my ecology TA, Catherine Latimer.
Well I guess I'm a history major. Maybe I can do my masters degree in zoology like I wanted, they used to have that at TaylorU but not now unless you make up a major. It takes more work on your part, but it is possible.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Goodbye Casey
I am really sad at the moment we had to put my dog to sleep yesterday. I miss him so much already.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Iron Man 2
Last night...actually this morning at 12:ooam midnight I saw Iron Man 2 the movie isn a word it is awesome. I give it 4 stars. It was the first midnight showing and I enjoyed it so much.
Adding Black Widow to the mix was a nice touch.
Adding Black Widow to the mix was a nice touch.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Pokemon card
Sorry for not posting this sooner. On our trip to the dunes 1st semester last year drew took a picture of me and Gnags and James used it to make a pokemon card of me. It has two moves Stare Down and Feral Charge.
Gnags has remade it, modified the picture, changed Feral Charge to Feral Fang, and Cote added the move Dread Howl.

It is posted.
Gnags has remade it, modified the picture, changed Feral Charge to Feral Fang, and Cote added the move Dread Howl.

Monday, February 22, 2010
A test in 8th grade told me I was better than the average weather man Erick Riggs wants to know if I still am.
Here is the data given:
Sun 2/21/2010 1:47 PM
Right Now:
Light rain
37 Degrees F
Wind from the East at 2 mph
Barometric pressure: 30.01 and increasing
Humidity" 85%
this is what I must post for next Sunday:
cloud cover (sunny, partly sunny, cloudy, overcast, etc)
Wind will comes from same direction.
Barometric pressure should increase slightly.
Temperature will stay in the 30-40s
We have low clouds which makes precipitation more likely[cloudy].
Here is the data given:
Sun 2/21/2010 1:47 PM
Right Now:
Light rain
37 Degrees F
Wind from the East at 2 mph
Barometric pressure: 30.01 and increasing
Humidity" 85%
this is what I must post for next Sunday:
cloud cover (sunny, partly sunny, cloudy, overcast, etc)
Wind will comes from same direction.
Barometric pressure should increase slightly.
Temperature will stay in the 30-40s
We have low clouds which makes precipitation more likely[cloudy].
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Feral update
I have found the remanant of my wolf... well their decendants at least. They migrated from canada to the norhtern pennisula in Michigan and from there to Norhtern Wiconsin above the Dells to hunt the deer which have increased.
Huge Sorry
To all the regular readers of my blog sorry for not updating recently my school days have been awful. I could use your prayers.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Back with the Wolves
This is a continuation of Feral Wolf kid.
I spoke with my parents it happened in the wilderness of Canada where wolves saved me not the Wisconsin Dells.
On January 30th I went to Big Run Wolf Ranch. It has (3 species of wolf) 7 wolves, 2 coyotes, 1 cougar, 1 Canadian Ble Lynx, 1 black bear, and some farm animals. Little Odin the oldest wolf there is pure white and is the great-great grandson of the biggest wolf ever recorded in North America.
I volunteered there so now I can be with wolves again.
I have brochures if anyone is interested in visiting the place.
I spoke with my parents it happened in the wilderness of Canada where wolves saved me not the Wisconsin Dells.
On January 30th I went to Big Run Wolf Ranch. It has (3 species of wolf) 7 wolves, 2 coyotes, 1 cougar, 1 Canadian Ble Lynx, 1 black bear, and some farm animals. Little Odin the oldest wolf there is pure white and is the great-great grandson of the biggest wolf ever recorded in North America.
I volunteered there so now I can be with wolves again.
I have brochures if anyone is interested in visiting the place.
Monday, January 25, 2010
True or False?
And now it's time for dilusional thinking with Gnags.
Sassafras is a carcygerine(drug), that why they no longer put it in rootbeer.
The Pope knows Kong Fu.
Sassafras is a carcygerine(drug), that why they no longer put it in rootbeer.
The Pope knows Kong Fu.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Winter Wonderland from hell
There is ice on every paved road. the wind can make you go slip sliding away. You can even slip on the grass. Walking has now become a public health hazard. Man, I love winter, but hate ice.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
a pig squeel is louder than a jet engine.
pig-one hundred and fifteen decimals
jet-one hundred and thirteen decimals
pig-one hundred and fifteen decimals
jet-one hundred and thirteen decimals
Sunday, January 17, 2010
J-term Sunday
Today I went to church, Bedside Baptist to be precise. It's members consist of me myself and I. In other words I didn't get up in time.
Today I'll be doing alot of reading I have to prepare for real classes to start again.
Today I'll be doing alot of reading I have to prepare for real classes to start again.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
J-term Saturday
Sorry I didn't post early I had to clean my dorm room.
Today I also watching American Heroes Weekend on Cartoon Network.
I'll need rest sorry for this short post.
Today I also watching American Heroes Weekend on Cartoon Network.
I'll need rest sorry for this short post.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Feral wolf kid
Garett Deal requested I share my feral past. James Dickinson agreed.
Around spring 1990 my family took a trip to the Wisconsin Dells, I was 1yr.. old at this time. Due to a little careless mistake I got lost wandered off or more so crawled off. I was found by rangers 6 months later wandering a little ways off from a wolf den. Apparently they had adopted me as a wolf cub(pup). My human development was not hindered much by this and what I went through those 6 months is vague only a few images remain. Those images are barely dechiperable because they lack human understanding even to me on a basic primal level of instinct. I'm glad to be with my real parents, but I also have a great love of wolves for saving my life they are as much my family a my mom, dad, and sister. However, I was informed there are no more wolves in the dells, they are all dead. I hope they just migrated or are hidden so their offspring are okay, but if they were hunted and killed the people who did should hope they never meet me.
Although i can not remember the time with my wolf family I will try to explain what happened. I remember feeling warm fur, tingling wetness probably a tongue bath form the mother. Also suckling/breast feeding most likely happened. Also I probably ate some meat pre-chewed and partially digested meat at one time. Tumbling for no reason, playing with my sibling the taste of fur in my mouth and walking on all fours and sleeping curled up against my mother. If I had stayed I would have become an Omega wolf dominate as a Alpha but more docile and peaceful. Later after I was rescued and got teeth they noticed my incisors were sharper then normal and my K-9s had turned sideways to look like fangs you can check my dental records, I needed braces. Also I remember the scent of blood since I didn't contact much animal blood it probably was a cut I got when playing with my siblings just like they did, after that we really might have been blood brothers. I know it was wolf blood from the scent because it didn't make hungry it could of been from one of the adults which were Alphas they got while hunting.
Wolf hierarchy:
Alpha male
Alpha female
Beta male
Beta female
Gamma male/female
Delta M/F and so on all the way to
(normally female status defined by male after mating-not always- usually mates one of same class)
Omegas are off that scale. dominants like alpha and betas are more feral and violent while submissive are more docile and a wolf must always submit to a higher rank. Submissives are important because they bring the pack together, the higher rank wolves are supposed to protect the lower ranked ones. Omegas don't have to . Too move up in a rank you challenge a wolf a win (sort of like playing cry uncle). Omegas never change rank they are the best suited as lone wolves although prefer to be in a pack. Other lone wolves come from leaving a pack or being run-off/ kicked out which may leave them injured/dead and left were they fall because they may not want to leave of a pack. So they may not survive, but they can.
I learned to be aware of everything around me and use all my senses. My parents when they found me were shedding there winter coat so the Alpha male father was going from white gray and the Alpha female was going from light gray to a black. They were timber wolves so they brothers and sisters were always gray while I was with them and well as maybe a patch here of there of a different color here and there. There were no Beta wolves because this was the last recorded remainder of the any wolf pack in the dells. I f they survived I hope they re-populates.
I write this with tears of joy and worry. I wish i could know what happened and see if the family line survived, I do really miss them.
Remember some of this is guess work assumption and trying to decode feelings
to new human terms. Feel free to ask questions I may add to this later.
Awroooooooooooooooooooooo! (Howl) LOL
Around spring 1990 my family took a trip to the Wisconsin Dells, I was 1yr.. old at this time. Due to a little careless mistake I got lost wandered off or more so crawled off. I was found by rangers 6 months later wandering a little ways off from a wolf den. Apparently they had adopted me as a wolf cub(pup). My human development was not hindered much by this and what I went through those 6 months is vague only a few images remain. Those images are barely dechiperable because they lack human understanding even to me on a basic primal level of instinct. I'm glad to be with my real parents, but I also have a great love of wolves for saving my life they are as much my family a my mom, dad, and sister. However, I was informed there are no more wolves in the dells, they are all dead. I hope they just migrated or are hidden so their offspring are okay, but if they were hunted and killed the people who did should hope they never meet me.
Although i can not remember the time with my wolf family I will try to explain what happened. I remember feeling warm fur, tingling wetness probably a tongue bath form the mother. Also suckling/breast feeding most likely happened. Also I probably ate some meat pre-chewed and partially digested meat at one time. Tumbling for no reason, playing with my sibling the taste of fur in my mouth and walking on all fours and sleeping curled up against my mother. If I had stayed I would have become an Omega wolf dominate as a Alpha but more docile and peaceful. Later after I was rescued and got teeth they noticed my incisors were sharper then normal and my K-9s had turned sideways to look like fangs you can check my dental records, I needed braces. Also I remember the scent of blood since I didn't contact much animal blood it probably was a cut I got when playing with my siblings just like they did, after that we really might have been blood brothers. I know it was wolf blood from the scent because it didn't make hungry it could of been from one of the adults which were Alphas they got while hunting.
Wolf hierarchy:
Alpha male
Alpha female
Beta male
Beta female
Gamma male/female
Delta M/F and so on all the way to
(normally female status defined by male after mating-not always- usually mates one of same class)
Omegas are off that scale. dominants like alpha and betas are more feral and violent while submissive are more docile and a wolf must always submit to a higher rank. Submissives are important because they bring the pack together, the higher rank wolves are supposed to protect the lower ranked ones. Omegas don't have to . Too move up in a rank you challenge a wolf a win (sort of like playing cry uncle). Omegas never change rank they are the best suited as lone wolves although prefer to be in a pack. Other lone wolves come from leaving a pack or being run-off/ kicked out which may leave them injured/dead and left were they fall because they may not want to leave of a pack. So they may not survive, but they can.
I learned to be aware of everything around me and use all my senses. My parents when they found me were shedding there winter coat so the Alpha male father was going from white gray and the Alpha female was going from light gray to a black. They were timber wolves so they brothers and sisters were always gray while I was with them and well as maybe a patch here of there of a different color here and there. There were no Beta wolves because this was the last recorded remainder of the any wolf pack in the dells. I f they survived I hope they re-populates.
I write this with tears of joy and worry. I wish i could know what happened and see if the family line survived, I do really miss them.
Remember some of this is guess work assumption and trying to decode feelings
to new human terms. Feel free to ask questions I may add to this later.
Awroooooooooooooooooooooo! (Howl) LOL
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Dorm and plans
Hey everyone if I do at least a post a week for this month James and Gnagy will make me my own website. K.Babs heard them say it at breakfast yesterday. These guys live on my floor at college, the first floor foundation. North and south side and north side are rivals and centerside(west) is like
Switzerland. Then above us in order we have Sammy 2, BroHo (brotherhood) with the snake, and Pent House(toga).
You know if any one has a good taylor story I am writing a book so be sure to meet with me any one that lives in Sammy Morris Hall can do this.
Also if anyone is interested in martial arts of any kind I'm starting a Taylor Martial Arts club and could use some help spread the word around campus I plan to start this spring term.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Introducing Cougs
Hey Everyone, the name is Cougs.
My friend Luke Collins gave that nickname on August. 31, 2008 because I told him my story about a close call with a cougar. I have actually had 2 close calls with the same one.
My friends at college know that I'm a feral child (it's a wonder I can function normally).
I go to Taylor Unversity.
That pretty much all the need to knows about me within college.
My friend Luke Collins gave that nickname on August. 31, 2008 because I told him my story about a close call with a cougar. I have actually had 2 close calls with the same one.
My friends at college know that I'm a feral child (it's a wonder I can function normally).
I go to Taylor Unversity.
That pretty much all the need to knows about me within college.
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