Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day Care

Today I subbed for a day care supervisor at church for the woman's ministry from 9-11am, but it went till 11:34. Before 10:30 I worked with Sammy Vojtech (she needed t leave early fr her job at a coffee shop), then Mrs. Berry whose group finished early helped for the rest. Noah and Calvin Lee didn't come because Noah got sick, so we only had 4yr. old Page and 2yr. old Carson (brother and sister).

Sammy is taking to classes at C.O.D. but not at the Glen Ellyn campus. She loves her intro. to Psych class, but is having a hard time with her Western Civ. class between an monotone teacher and a textbook written like a story (no bolds, etc.)

Anyway I made $25, maybe I can get a permanent job ding that.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I send your my friend/ Taylor

Hey everyone on Foundation this is a little late, but a friend of mine is transferring into Taylor,last week on Teusday the first. He got put in Pent House and he is really awesome. His name is Spencer Noel Goorley. He is a great skate boarder and he already did a similar thing to the boxer run at youth group in high school by running barefoot in the snow with only his boxer's on. He also has jumped off and climb up on to the balcony of my church. He will do anything. He also plays guitar and composes his own music, His stage name is Spencer Noel(no-el). It is not pronounced like the Christmas way it is like mole, but with a N instead of a M. Maybe that gives ideas for a nickname. I was hoping you could welcome, maybe help show him around; even though he will be on Pent House, let me say what the emulate the apostle Paul said "welcome him as you would welcome me."