Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday morning

Today on my way to Africa history, at 8:00 a girl stopped me from getting run over by a car at the crosswalk by the DC; she is a freshman for registration purposes, but a sophmore credit wise, she had BibLit 1 at 8:00. Her name is Molly Anderson. She seems really nice and really cool. She said she is from Chicago and is part of the Adventures and Odessey fan club.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Strange Weekend

This past weekend Ryan Strange came back from seminary to visit it was great to see him.

I met Alex at the Odessey fan club only Marvel and she showed up to I was also present as a 3rd wheel.

I loved this weekend and had a good time.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Today in Chapel Dr. Barbra Byrd(bird) won the excellent in teaching award. She tought me my freshman year in the fundemaentals class. She deserves it.

The bad thing is I got a lot of last minute homework and can't go on the retreat to the Dunes. I hope my friends have good time.